Swimming pools are useful in a variety of ways. They are used for both recreation and competition purposes. With many people recognizing the therapeutic uses of water, swimming has become a very popular sport in the modern world. There are both public and residential swimming pools in Singapore. Whether public or private, swimming pools come in various designs that make them useful in one activity or the other. The design is normally dictated by the type of the pool. For instance, children pools are designed differently from adult pools.
Features of a good swimming pool
When rating a swimming pool whether it is a children’s pool or adult pool, there are various things to check for. First, it is important to consider the use of the pool. A pool that is used mainly for swimming pool competitions and championships needs to have the standard features stipulated in the competition rules. Precisely, an Olympic-sized swimming pool is good for competitions while a smaller swimming pool is good for recreation. General features of good swimming pools include:
• High quality of water.
The Environmental Public Health (Swimming Pools) Regulations in Singapore stipulates the water quality guidelines in swimming pools. Generally, swimming pool water should be checked for chemical as well as bacteriological quality in accredited laboratories at least monthly to ensure that it is safe for people to swim in the water. Chlorine is a common chemical in swimming pool water treatment, and experts say that it should be used in fine moderation.
• Presence of a diving board and a tanning ledge.
These are some of the basic features that every pool should have. The tanning ledge is suitable for basking while the diving board gives the swimmer the momentum to dive into the water at any angle.
• Well-marked swimming lanes.
Swimming lanes are mainly found in the swimming pools that are used for swimming competitions.
• Splash-and-slide area for kids.
Most adult swimming pools have kid-friendly features. Kids love water, and a good pool should have areas that are dedicated to water games for kids.
• Waterfalls.
Waterfalls give an inkling of nature at its best. The sound of flowing water adds an element of relaxation and quirky playfulness in your swimming pool experience.
• Underwater speakers.
This feature is mainly important in recreational swimming pools. Modern recreational swimming pools have underwater speakers that allow swimmers to listen to their favorite music tunes as they swim.
• Underwater lighting systems.
Underwater lighting makes it possible to swim at night. Swimming does not have to be done only during the day. However, these lighting systems should meet the minimum safety standards as stipulated by The National Environment Agency in Singapore.
• Volleyball nets and basketball hoops.
You can never go wrong with friendly competition in the swimming pool. Therefore, having basketball hoops and volleyball nets in the swimming pool design is a step in the direction.
This list is not exhaustive, as there is no limit to the amount of additions you can have in your swimming pool. For instance, on top of the afore-mentioned features, you can add underwater benches, in-water tables and stools as well as umbrellas. You can also have an open-air shower so that you can shower before or after swimming. Indeed, you can add anything you like in the swimming pool area, as long as it accentuates the looks and usability of the pool.
Swimming pool safety
Swimming is not fun when swimming pool safety is not considered. As a matter of safety, owners of both private and public swimming pools should ensure that their pools are fenced to prevent unauthorized entry by children and pets. There should also be an alarm that is loud enough to be heard far away from the swimming pool so that in case someone is in danger, he or she can get help quickly. Additionally, if you have a swimming pool at your home compound, make sure that:
– Everyone at home knows how to swim
– Children only swim in the presence of an adult
– There is someone at home who knows CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation)
– No one goes to the swimming pool intoxicated
Life Saving course for swimmers
On top of ensuring that swimming pool safety is at its best, it is also important to impart some lifesaving knowledge to swimmers to reduce drowning in swimming pools. Water can be a bad master sometimes. There is always the danger of drowning, especially among beginners. Indeed, swimming pool deaths do occur, even among professional swimmers. Lifesaving courses are mainly offered by qualified swimming instructors.
Swimming pool repair and maintenance
Swimming pools require regular repair and maintenance for them to remain at their best conditions. Leaks are the most serious swimming pool problems. Whenever there is a leak in your pool, you are losing water and the walls of your pool are getting damaged. In this case, you need a swimming pool repair technician as soon as possible. Additionally;
· Vinyl swimming pool liners also get torn after some time and need to be replaced.
· Tiling needs to be redone frequently to maintain the dazzling beauty of the swimming pool surfaces. If the pool surfaces are made of concrete or fibreglass, appropriate repair services also need to done to maintain the beauty of the swimming pool.
· Algae and molds also accumulate in concrete swimming pools and need to be acid-washed.
· Sometimes, you may also need to drain all the water from the swimming pool and wash all the surfaces
· It is also important to replace the swimming pool water with fresh water after some time.
· The swimming pool pump also needs regular repairs.
· The filtration unit of the pool needs to be tested frequently to ensure that it is in proper working conditions all the time.
For all your swimming pool repair needs, it is important to look for professionals. In most cases, the builder of a certain swimming pool become the default repair and maintenance service provider, but you can always contract other swimming pool technicians to attend to your needs.
All said and done, swimming is a very popular sport in Singapore and all parts of the world. Its importance in the health and fitness sector cannot be overemphasized. Perhaps that is why there are several public swimming pools in Singapore that are recognized by the National Environment Agency.